Package of Practice: Removal of tape from graft union

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Removal of Plastic tape or band at graft union/budding joint of VNR Bihi Guava Plant

Graft union is very critical part of VNR Bihi Guava Plant. It’s important to keep this portion of the plant secured through grafting tape till the graft union is hardened and gain strength.

Typical Grafted Plant

Rootstock – the portion of a grafted plant that has root system onto which the scion is grafted.

Scion – a plant part that is grafted onto the rootstock. The scion usually has two or more buds.
Graft union – the junction between a scion and its supporting rootstock.

Graft Union Plastic Tape


Graft union is secured by wrapping the union with a plastic tape, this helps in keeping the union intact till it hardens up.


Why it’s compulsory to remove plastic tape from graft union of VNR Bihi Guava Plant?

If plastic tape is not removed from graft union than it tends to rupture or cut across the tissues resulting in formation of gall on its site (taped location). This leads to damage of xylem and phloem vessels of the plant resulting into blockage of transportation of minerals and nutrition resulting into retarded growth of plant. Non-removal of plastic tape from graft union for a very long time may lead to severity which may lead to plant mortality.

Rupturing Tissues


When is the right time to remove plastic tape from graft union of VNR Bihi Guava Plant?

Plastic tape or band wrapped around graft union is recommended to be removed within 25 to 35 days of the successful plantation of VNR Bihi Guava Plant. It is important to understand that removal of tapes /bands also depends on the state of graft/bud joints, which means that remove tapes only when graft/bud union are properly solidified or completely attached with one another.

How to remove the plastic tape from graft union of VNR Bihi Guava Plant?

As conveyed earlier, graft tape is recommended to be removed within 25 to 35 days of plantation. Always remove the plastic tape–BY HAND–by carefully untangling it in a circular motion. Do not unnecessarily pull the tape with a jerk or jolt. A sudden pull may shock the plant and damage the graft union irrevocably.

Plastic tape-by hand


What not to do?

Never use a blade, cutter, knife or scissor to remove plastic tape as it may inflict an injury on the plant, any type of cut on union joint may lead to infection which may prove fatal, in days to come.

Using Blade